Opening First Friday, April 1, 5-10 p.m.
Water of the heavens and the earth, how blessed we are to receive your source of life. From above you fill our streams as below you cause our springs to flow. How blessed we are that you allow our monuments to flow to remind us of what we are, what we need to survive and where to place our thanks. Our guiding Moon, moving our waters within. Rhythmic cycles, High tide, low tide and everything in between. Leading us within the perpetual systems of the Universe with a purpose to evolve and grow.
The winged birds that allow us to seek a higher flight, with grace, peace, perspective and purpose.
The Harp that taps into the rhythms of all that moves and vibrates above and below, inviting us to tune in to all that moves our being.
· Water Monuments
· Bronze and Glass Flying Mobiles
· Illuminations
· Carrying Elements
· Elemental Jewelry
· Monumental Ornaments
Show runs through Saturday, April 30
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